Timekeeping Solutions

The best way to control your payroll cost is to control your labor cost! Remember, time is money! PaySouth offers multiple options to meet your need. Mechanical clocks, web-based time and attendance solutions, and even our unique Timekeeping Service. Coupled with our new Online Access, it’s the best value available anywhere. And it’s a great tool to help you control costs and increase profits. Ask us about it today!

Online Access

We have invested in two (2) online options so all our clients can have easy access to their payroll and timekeeping data. One option is YOU and Your Business. Features are controllable so managers get just the right amount of access but not too much. PaySouth is here to train and assist you every step of the way.

Pay/Go Worker’s Compensation Plan

PaySouth can help you reduce the upfront money needed for Worker’s Compensation Insurance premiums … and eliminate costly surprises when audit time comes. And, working with PaySouth to better assign your employees, we may actually help you lower your worker’s compensation costs … and improve your profit!

It’s called Pay-As-You-Go Worker’s Compensation!

No guesswork! No surprises! PaySouth calculates and pays worker’s compensation for your payroll by payroll.

You owe it to yourself to get the details on this plan today, contact us today for a FREE Estimate on our timekeeping services.